Ep. 122 - Season 8 Finale: Let’s Change Work & Life Together

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I said in the first episode of this season that I wanted to double down on inspiring stories as a reminder that we aren’t helpless or alone against the unrelenting pace of change and have the power to create positive change for ourselves and the people around us. And I'm proud to say that I think we succeeded.

But in listening back to these stories again, it's become crystal clear to me that what Karen Mangia said in episode 119 is correct: we currently have a real opportunity to create change, to change the rules to work and life, because we're all standing at the precipice gazing into the unknown together.

Decisions are being made now that will shape our lives for years, possibly even decades, to come. And we can all be a part of that.

Key Takeaways: 

  • You can choose to live a life defined by your values versus other people's expectations, to step into a life where you can be your whole self, but you have to acknowledge that it's a process, a journey, and it takes a lot of work. 

  • Most people give up before they really begin the journey. Because how are you supposed to even know what your values are anyway? How do you know what lights you up? I hope it takes some pressure off to know that you don't need to know where you're going to end up to start making progress towards a life where you are more fulfilled. The secret is to embrace the power of pilots.

  • Take things in small chunks. Take things one at a time. And, critically, don't try to do things alone.

  • Support can take on a lot of different forms. That might be a book or a podcast like this; somewhere you can borrow tactics or get inspired when things are starting to feel difficult again. That might be in the form of a community, either for emotional support or accountability. Or that might take a more formal role like a mentor or coach.

  • Just because this journey is about you doesn't mean you need to walk it alone — and it's probably going to be a longer, more arduous journey if you try. And there are tens of thousands of us walking this same path right now.

  • Looking for someone who can be a chairperson for your career, or even your life, is so valuable. We understand that there's great value in looking for outside counsel when we're making big, important decisions. We just don't always apply that same logic to our own lives.

    • We should see it as an opportunity to do this for others as well. We are not competing for the same pile of happiness.

  • If you are a business leader, you are a part of creating this new world of work too! Not only do you have the opportunity to be more fulfilled and more genuinely you, but you are also a critical part of empowering others. 

  • You need to play an active role in helping people bring their whole selves to your organization -- because that's what people want and they're going to figure out a way to do it one way or another. Listen to what the voice of the workforce is saying -- and understand that it's in your best interest, too.

  • People's priorities are changing. People's expectations are changing. And that means the way leaders support people within their organizations also has to change — it has to become more personal, more individualized, more human — putting in the effort will make work better for everyone, and it'll make your organization more agile in the increasingly volatile world of work.


Ep. 123 - Season 9 Premiere: Imagining a Human-Centered Future


Ep. 121 - Beautiful Country & The Path to Being Your Whole Self - with Qian Julie Wang